Mitral valve prolapse associated with atrial septal defect.


  • Liliam Gretel Cisneros Sánchez Hospital Docente Dr. Enrique Cabrera. La Habana. Cuba
  • Adys Lumis Fuentes Labrada Hospital Docente Dr. Enrique Cabrera. La Habana. Cuba
  • Annella Marrero Rosabal Hospital Docente Dr. Enrique Cabrera. La Habana. Cuba


Prolapso valvular mitral, Comunicación Interauricular


Female patient 43 years old with a history of being a smoker and mitral valve prolapse (MVP), who was admitted with the diagnosis of bacterial bronchopneumonia.
The relevant data on physical examination were low body weight. Cardiovascular system: heartbeat of the tip shifted to the left, the presence of thrill, rhythmic heart sounds, holosystolic mitral murmur, high intensity, irradiating to the mesocardium and aortic focus. Respiratory: overall decreased breath sounds, crackles in the lower third of both lungs. Slight edema in the lower limbs.
At the echocardiogram performed was observed in two-dimensional mode moderate dilatation of the left ventricle (LV) and both atria, thickening of both mitral leaflets, leaflet redundant posterior mitral with severe prolapse segments P2 and P3, atrial septum (TIA) rejected to the right atrium (RA) with absence of echogenicity in its middle and rear portion which measured 16 mm. With color Doppler systolic turbulence was observed in the left atrium (AI) that reached the roof of it, facing the TIA, with Coanda effect, such turbulence crossed the TIA, showing a shunt from left to right. The study concluded with the diagnosis of severe mitral valve regurgitation by severe prolapse posterior mitral valve and presence of atrial septal defect (ASD) osteum secundum type.
ASD is between 10 and 15% of all congenital heart disease and is the most frequently reaches adulthood without being detected. The PVM affects approximately 2% of the population, although in most cases appears in isolation, may be associated with hereditary connective tissue disorders or congenital malformations such as the CIA ostium secundum.


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Author Biographies

Liliam Gretel Cisneros Sánchez, Hospital Docente Dr. Enrique Cabrera. La Habana. Cuba

-        Especialista de primer grado en Cardiología

-        Especialista de primer grado en MGI

-        Máster en Urgencias Médicas

-        Profesora instuctora

Adys Lumis Fuentes Labrada, Hospital Docente Dr. Enrique Cabrera. La Habana. Cuba

-        Especialista de primer grado en Cardiología

Annella Marrero Rosabal, Hospital Docente Dr. Enrique Cabrera. La Habana. Cuba

-        Especialista de primer grado en Cardiología

-        Especialista de primer grado en MGI



How to Cite

Cisneros Sánchez LG, Fuentes Labrada AL, Marrero Rosabal A. Mitral valve prolapse associated with atrial septal defect. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2016 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];22(2):96-7. Available from:



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