External Validation of a Scale Predictive of Cardiovascular disease mortality in older adults



heart disease, risk measurement, prediction, elderly, mortality.


Introduction: External validation is important in investigations of predictive models and scales. Scales without external validation have limited clinical relevance.

Objective: To evaluate the external validity of a cardiovascular disease mortality scale in older adults.

Methods: The study population consisted of 82 cases and 246 controls. To evaluate the construct validity, it was decided to define the association between the risk categories given by the scale created and the relationship with the condition at discharge. This was evaluated using chi-square and Kendall's Tau for the association of ordinal variables. Criterion validity was assessed by correlating the new scale designed with the EPICARDIAN scale and calculating the Kendall's Tau-b association coefficient and chi-square. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, as well as positive and negative likelihood coefficient were determined when applying the scale created to the external validation sample.

Results: The designed scale discriminated better than the EPICARDIAN scale in both sexes; 68.8 % of the deceased in the validation group were classified as high risk.

Conclusions: The external validation of the risk scale showed a high predictive capacity and high prognostic efficiency parameters, which facilitates its acceptance and use to optimize community and individual interventions aimed at older adults in primary health care.


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How to Cite

Hierrezuelo Rojas N, Del Rio Caballero G, Hernández Magdariaga A, Borrero Cobas O, Rosell Oliva A. External Validation of a Scale Predictive of Cardiovascular disease mortality in older adults. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];30:e2270. Available from: https://revcardiologia.sld.cu/index.php/revcardiologia/article/view/2270



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