Ventricular Cardiomyopathy not compact. About the diagnosis, complementary examinations and diagnostic errors.


  • Ana M. Jerez Castro
  • Sheyla Echevarría Poymiró
  • Grisel Guevara Mirabal
  • Ernesto Aleaga Castro
  • Aníbal González Trujillo


ventricular cardiomyopathy uncompacted, left ventricular dysfunction, arrhythmias, thromboembolic events, diagnostic criteria.


The non-compaction cardiomyopathy (MVNC) is a primary genetic entity characterized by abnormalities in the morphology of the ventricular wall, apparently caused by a disturbance in endomyocardial morphogenesis during embryonic development, demonstrating the presence and persistence of trabeculations accompanied by recesses intertrabecular that are perfused from the ventricular cavity, these spaces lacunar intertrabecular have no connection to the coronary tree. His prognosis is determined by the degree of left ventricular dysfunction, severity of arrhythmias and emerging occurrence of thromboembolic events, such symptoms that characterize this clinical entity. Validated diagnostic criteria include the contributions of echocardiogram, magnetic resonance and currently totals computed tomography. There are heart entities but share some morphological characteristics of myocardial structure, do not meet all the diagnostic criteria for it.


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Author Biographies

Ana M. Jerez Castro

Especialista primer grado Medicina Interna, Especialista primer grado Cardiología. Master Medicina Natural y tradicional, Master Urgencias Médicas, Master Enfermedades Infecciosas. Profesor Auxiliar. Jefa del Departamento de Docencia e Investigaciones del ICCCV.

Sheyla Echevarría Poymiró

Especialista primer grado Medicina General Integral, Especialista primer grado Cardiología, Investigadora Agregada.

Grisel Guevara Mirabal

Especialista primer grado Medicina General Integral, Especialista primer grado Cardiología.

Ernesto Aleaga Castro

Especialista primer grado Medicina Interna. Diplomado en Cuidados Intensivos y Emergentes. Profesor Instructor

Aníbal González Trujillo

Especialista primer grado Medicina General Integral, Especialista primer grado Cardiología.



How to Cite

Jerez Castro AM, Echevarría Poymiró S, Guevara Mirabal G, Aleaga Castro E, González Trujillo A. Ventricular Cardiomyopathy not compact. About the diagnosis, complementary examinations and diagnostic errors. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];21(4). Available from:



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