Hospital Management Information System at the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. Part III: Surgery.
ICCCV (Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular), HC (Historia Clínica), HCD (Historia Clínica Digital), ICCCVMed (Historia Clínica Digital del ICCCV)Abstract
Introduction: The Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (ICCCV) has a system named "ICCCVMed" in its Patient Income Room for the registration of the patient’s Case Histories (HC). Surgery service records the information of the operated patients in the traditional way (HC in paper), resulting in problems such as: repetition of information, little manageability and possible data loss, among others.Objective: To put into operation a module for the system "ICCCVMed" that negotiates, centralizes and guarantees the whole information registered in the ICCCV case histories of the Surgery service.
Method: ICCCV has a local area network with workstations and a system "ICCCVMed". For the design of the database corresponding to the service of Surgery we used a relational model and the new module was programmed with the object-oriented Pascal language.
Results: As a result a new module of the system "ICCCVMed" was developed for data capture into the HC from the Surgery service which only the authorized medical staff has access.
Conclusions: The system "ICCCVMed" now registers the HC of all the patients and those operated of the service of Surgery service allowing the management, centralization and security of all the information registered in the HC.

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