Radiological Protection in interventional cardiology


  • Angel G. Obregón Santos Departamento de Hemodinámica. Cardiocentro del Hospital CIMEQ. La Habana. Cuba.
  • Ronald Aroche Aportela Departamento de Hemodinámica. Cardiocentro del Hospital CIMEQ. La Habana. Cuba.
  • Lázaro Aldama Pérez Departamento de Hemodinámica. Cardiocentro del Hospital CIMEQ. La Habana. Cuba.
  • Elena Vila García Departamento de Hemodinámica. Cardiocentro del Hospital CIMEQ. La Habana. Cuba.
  • Myder Hernández Navas Departamento de Hemodinámica. Cardiocentro del Hospital CIMEQ. La Habana. Cuba.


radiological protection – cataract – structural cardiopathy


Radiological Protection in Interventional Cardiology

Interventional cardiologists and their working teams are amongst the workers occupationally exposed who receive greater amounts of ionizing radiations in their procedures due to the ever increasing complexity in dealing with heart diseases that were not treated before. This is possible thanks to the development of new interventional techniques. Some practical recommendations that may be applied immediately are offered so as to diminish the risks taken by both, patients and professionals. We recommend that all workers participating in activities related to laboratories of hemodynamics must be demanded to accomplish a curriculum of instructions before starting to work in interventional cardiology.

 Key words: radiological protection – cataract – structural cardiopathy


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How to Cite

Obregón Santos AG, Aroche Aportela R, Aldama Pérez L, Vila García E, Hernández Navas M. Radiological Protection in interventional cardiology. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2015 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];21(2):104-8. Available from:



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