Predictive Index of Early Cardiotoxicity due to Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients
breast cancer, cardiotoxicity, chemotherapy, prediction, Cardio-oncology.Abstract
Introduction: Cardiovascular complications are the main causes of mortality in cancer survivors.
Objective: To design an index with the capacity to predict the development of early cardiotoxicity due to chemotherapy using a model based on risk factors.
Methods: Analytical cohort study with 327 patients with breast cancer under chemotherapy treatment, followed in the Cardio-oncology office of the General Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Provincial Hospital of Bayamo municipality, Granma from January 15th, 2019 to May 25th, 2022. The construction of the index included the selection of risk factors and the calculation of their weights.
Results: The model identified 10 factors with independent influence, including atrial fibrillation (adjusted OR 22.2), hemoglobin (adjusted OR 14.9), dyslipidemia (adjusted OR 5.74), corrected QT interval (adjusted OR 5.55), smoking (adjusted OR 4.83) and glomerular filtration rate (adjusted OR 4.49). A quantitative index was obtained that was subdivided into four risk categories and reached an average value in patients with cardiotoxicity of 9.35 points. The highest morbidity was represented in subjects classified as high (32.8 %) and very high (93.1 %) risk, indicating that the proposed index accurately classifies the risk of developing cardiotoxicity. The model achieved a good fit with all data (Hosmer and Lemeshow test p = 0, 640) and showed good discriminative ability (area under the curve 0.927).
Conclusions: The proposed risk factor-based index predicts cardiotoxicity development and is considered ready for application.
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