Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Cancer
cancer, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiovascular risk.Abstract
Introduction: Cardiac rehabilitation in cancer patients is a new concept, constituted by an exercise scheme, which aims to reduce cardiovascular risk and improve cardiopulmonary fitness in cancer patients and survivors.
Objective: To characterize cardiac rehabilitation and its benefits in cancer patients.
Methodology: A documentary review of the literature was carried out through a search in Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, SciELO and Redalyc with the titles cardiac rehabilitation in cancer patients, cardio-oncology rehabilitation, benefits of cardiac rehabilitation in cancer patients, cardiotoxicity and their English translations.
Results: Through the analysis of a total of 53 articles, it was identified that exercises linked to cardiac rehabilitation have several benefits in patients receiving cancer treatment, so that several authors agree that this is key to improve survival and quality of life of cancer patients.
Conclusions: Cardiac rehabilitation is a strategy that has had an impact on reducing the effects derived from the complications of the cardiotoxic effect of anticancer drugs.
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