Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in Post-COVID-19 Stage Patients
exercise, cardiorespiratory, post-COVID-19.Abstract
Introduction: Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation has a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary group of several specialties such as physiatrists, cardiologists, therapists, pulmonologists, psychologists, among others. The team of specialists works with patients individually to improve their physical and physiological conditions. This rehabilitation is for patients with heart or lung problems. Evaluations and personalized programs are carried out for the prevention and reduction of new cardiopulmonary complications. Due to the high prevalence of patients with COVID-19, the proper use of cardiorespiratory rehabilitation treatment is necessary in order to improve the quality of life of patients, achieving their integration into society and reducing their disabling limitations. There is evidence of proper management of cardiorespiratory physical exercise and the global use of techniques to improve bronchial hygiene, to increase resistance, strengthen the walls of the cardiovascular system and to improve the health status of patients.
Objective: To assess the efficacy of cardiorespiratory exercise in post-COVID-19 stage patients.
Methods: An exhaustive bibliographical review was carried out, using the historical-logical; inductive-deductive, and analytical methods. PubMed, EcuRed, SciELO, and Infomed databases were consulted from January 5 to February 10, 2023.
Conclusions: The authors of the reviewed articles agree that there is improvement in all patients incorporated into cardiopulmonary rehabilitation at the post-COVID-19 stage, increasing their quality of life and improving their physical conditions.
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