Traditional Risk Factors Predictive of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in the Elderly



older adult, cardiovascular disease, risk factors, mortality.


Introduction: Cardiovascular disease mortality in older adults is highly attributable to an increased burden of identified risk factors.

Objectives: To evaluate the association between traditional risk factors and cardiovascular mortality and to internally validate a predictive model to estimate the probability of death from cardiovascular causes.

Methods: An observational, analytical, case-control study was carried out in older adult patients belonging to three health areas of the municipality of Santiago de Cuba during the year 2021. The cases were those who died of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and another group of living elderly patients with no history of such diseases (controls). The sample consisted of 182 cases and 546 controls, with the ratio of cases to controls (1:3). Data analysis was based on the construction of a multivariate model (multivariable logistic regression) to identify predictors of mortality.

Results: Smoking [OR = 4.129;(2.462-6.924); p = 0.000], unhealthy diet [OR = 2.825; (1.753-4.552); p = 0.000], sedentary lifestyle [OR = 3.092; (1.898-5.037); p = 0.000], diabetes mellitus [OR = 1.883; (1.141-3.109); p = 0.013] and chronic kidney disease [OR = 2.217; (1.289-3.811); p = 0.004] are the five predictors that were part of the model.

Conclusions: Traditional risk factors such as smoking, diabetes mellitus and underlying risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and chronic kidney disease are powerful risk predictors of CVD mortality in older adults. The proposed model showed good calibration ability and performance.


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How to Cite

Hierrezuelo Rojas N, del Rio Caballero G, Hernández Magdariaga A, Bonal Ruiz R. Traditional Risk Factors Predictive of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in the Elderly. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(3):e2189. Available from:



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