A New Clinical Classification of Postoperative Mediastinitis Based on Cluster Multivariate Analysis and Experts Opinion



mediastinitis, diagnosis, classification, sternotomy, surgical site infection, cluster analysis.


Introduction: The diagnosis of postoperative mediastinitis is eminently clinical, a reason why it can be delayed. Early diagnosis is vital to avoid aggravation.

Objective: To establish a new clinical classification for the diagnosis of postoperative mediastinitis.

Methods: A retrospective analytical study of cases and controls was carried out using qualitative methods of prioritization by experts and multivariate mathematical analysis of two-stage clustering classification.

Results: Five major and four minor clinical elements were obtained and corroborated by both methods and their coincidences. The combination of the calculated risk level, according to the Cuban prognostic scale to stratify the risk of postoperative mediastinitis in association with the clinical elements, led to obtaining four patterns of probable diagnosis. If a patient meets the characteristics of any of these patterns, his or her diagnosis is inferred and, therefore, he or she will be subjected early to reintervention, which will result in better prognosis.

Conclusions: The clinical elements of postoperative mediastinitis were classified into major and minor; as well as patterns of probable diagnosis were obtained, allowing early establishment of the diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo de Jesús Bermúdez Yera, Cardiocentro Ernesto Guevara de Santa Clara. Santa Clara, Cuba.

Departamento de cirugía cardiovascular, especialista de I y II grado en cirugía cardiovascular, jefe de servicio. Doctor en ciencias médicas

Eligio E. Barreto Fiu, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas Villa Clara

Profesor Auxiliar, máster en ciencias. Departamento de bioestadística

Álvaro Luis Lagomasino Hidalgo, 1Cardiocentro Ernesto Guevara de Santa Clara.

Profesor consultante. Especialista de II grado cirugía cardiovascular

Alfredo Mario Naranjo Ugalde, 3Cardiocentro Pediátrico “William Soler”.

Profesor titular. Especialista de I y II grado en cirugía cardiovascular. Doctor en ciancias médicas

Yoandy López de la Cruz, 1Cardiocentro Ernesto Guevara de Santa Clara

Profesor titular. Especialista de I y II grado en cirugía cardiovascular. Doctor en ciencias médicas


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How to Cite

Bermúdez Yera G de J, Barreto Fiu EE, Lagomasino Hidalgo Álvaro L, Naranjo Ugalde AM, López de la Cruz Y. A New Clinical Classification of Postoperative Mediastinitis Based on Cluster Multivariate Analysis and Experts Opinion. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];29(2):e1431. Available from: https://revcardiologia.sld.cu/index.php/revcardiologia/article/view/1431



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