No-touch technique of saphenous vein dissection in myocardial revascularization surgery
saphenous vein, saphenous vein graft, coronary artery bypass, myocardial revascularization.Abstract
Introduction: To date, the internal saphenous vein is the most commonly used graft in myocardial revascularization surgery; therefore, the study of the mechanisms related to the occlusion process of these bridges and alternatives to improve their patency is a priority research topic.
Objectives: To describe the mechanisms involved in venous graft disease; to present the "no touch" saphenous vein dissection technique; to compare the results of the conventional and "no touch" technique, according to histological preservation and to describe the long-term results of the "no touch" technique, taking into account graft patency.
Methods: A review of scientific and research articles, available in PubMed databases, was performed regarding the "no touch" technique of dissection of the internal saphenous vein.
Results: Venous graft disease has three stages: early thrombosis, intimal hyperplasia and late development of atherosclerosis. The "no touch" technique allows preservation of perivascular tissue that allows atraumatic manipulation. Histopathological analysis shows preservation with the "no touch" technique and alteration in different degrees with the conventional technique. Graft patency by the "no touch" technique is 83% after 16 years.
Conclusions: The preparation of the saphenous vein by the "no touch" technique allows excellent preservation of histological integrity. The saphenous vein grafts extracted by "no touch" technique have a high long-term patency.
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