Algorithm for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Aneurysmal Malformation in the Vein of Galen
vein of Galen, cerebral aneurysm, congestive heart failure.Abstract
Introduction: Aneurysmal malformation in the vein of Galen is a rare variant of congenital cerebral arteriovenous fistula. The choroidal variety manifests in neonates with signs of refractory heart failure and continuous cerebral murmur.
Objective: To establish an algorithm for the noninvasive diagnosis of aneurysmal malformation in the vein of Galen, choroidal variety.
Methods: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional research was conducted and included 18 neonates diagnosed with aneurysmal malformation in the vein of Galen, choroidal variety, by Doppler ultrasound, at the William Soler Cardiocenter from 1999 to 2016.
Results: The variables with significance for presumptive diagnosis were: presence of refractory heart failure, continuous intracranial murmur, increased cardiothoracic index, electrocardiographic signs of myocardial ischemia. Anomalous dilatation of the vein, excess afferent vasculature and reduced encephalic circulatory indices facilitated the initial certainty finding. The variables that reinforced the diagnosis and denoted the hemodynamic repercussion were: increased supra-aortic vascular diameters, superior vena cava, right heart chambers, increased mitral and tricuspid diastolic filling ratio and decreased ejection fraction of both ventricles. An algorithm for detection of the entity was developed.
Conclusions: The creation of the algorithm for the noninvasive diagnosis of aneurysmal malformation in the vein of Galen, choroidal variety, is possible by the documentation of elements coming from different diagnostic modalities associated with ultrasound.
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