Adverse right ventricular remodeling in severe obstetric patients with COVID-19


  • Eric Alberto Tamayo Suarez HOSPITAL MILITAR .Dr. Luis Diaz Soto
  • Máximo Lorenzo Silva Gutiérrez
  • Dairis Cuao Murillo
  • Vivian Rodríguez Fernández
  • Elisa María Benavides Moreno
  • Deylis Chacón Montano


right ventricular remodeling, COVID-19 infections, echocardiography.


Introduction: COVID-19 has led to an increased incidence of right ventricular remodeling in severe obstetric patients.

Objective: To identify the diagnostic elements that influenced the occurrence of right ventricular remodeling in severe obstetric patients with COVID-19.

Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, single-center study was performed in 53 severe obstetric patients with COVID-19.

Results: The most significant average echocardiographic values were TAPSE (15.4mm), right ventricular end-diastolic diameter (31.3mm) and RV/LV ratio (0.75). An increase in troponins (39.5 ng/L), CPK (338.4 U/L) and CK-MB (51.3 U/L) was observed on admission to the intensive care units, and greater ventricular dilatation and dysfunction were observed in pregnant women with high dímero D (84.6% and 76.9% respectively). AHT (32.07%) was the predominant obstetric risk factor, while patients with bronchial asthma (77.7%) and obesity (69.2%) presented greater dilatation and ventricular dysfunction, respectively. LV ejection fraction constituted the only factor associated with patient survival (p = 0.01).

Conclusions: In severe obstetric patients due to COVID-19 decreased TAPSE values and RV dilatation were the main echocardiographic features found. In addition, there was a considerable increase in troponin, CPK and CK-MB values. Greater right ventricular dilatation and dysfunction were recorded in asthmatic and obese women, respectively, with elevated D-dimer values. LV ejection fraction was the only independent factor related to survival in these patients.


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Author Biography

Eric Alberto Tamayo Suarez, HOSPITAL MILITAR .Dr. Luis Diaz Soto

medico asistencial


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How to Cite

Tamayo Suarez EA, Silva Gutiérrez ML, Cuao Murillo D, Rodríguez Fernández V, Benavides Moreno EM, Chacón Montano D. Adverse right ventricular remodeling in severe obstetric patients with COVID-19. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];28(4):e1364. Available from:



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