Atypical electrocardiographic presentations in patients with ischemic symptoms, time to change strategy
SCACEST, Wellens syndrome, De Winter patternAbstract
There are a number of atypical electrocardiographic patterns that have recently been described, and indicate and impending risk of myocardial infarction, also known as “ST elevation myocardial infarction equivalents”. These include isolated posterior myocardial infarction, Wellens syndrome, De Winter's pattern, ST segment elevation in aVR, Sgarbossa's criteria for complete left bundle branch block or pacemaker and the hyperacute T-waves. These patterns must be known and recognized by the emergency physicians, since clinical symptoms together with early detection accelerates the definitive treatment. We describe three cases that have been diagnosed in the emergency services with an early activation of the hemodynamic service after the recognition of these conditions.Downloads
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