Models of Cardiovascular Prevention Units Integral, with special emphasis on the preventive role of cardiac rehabilitation.


  • Eduardo Rivas Estany Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, La Habana, Cuba
  • Esteban García Porrero Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de León
  • Mirna Andrade Ruiz Clínica Altollano, León, España


rehabilitación cardiaca, prevención cardiovascular.


Cardiovascular Prevention Units Integral should include specific components to achieve risk reduction and promote healthy lifestyles.
Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is essential in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases due to its effectiveness as a secondary prevention since it reduces morbidity and mortality, it is also a cost-effective intervention.
There are different models of RC units with varied structure but with similar objectives: hospital, residential, in specialized units in primary and home care models.

For maximum effectiveness, RC programs should be comprehensive and include control of risk factors, physical training, counseling and vocational and social guidance.
In the external model or outpatient hospital patient moves from his home to the hospital to complete a supervised exercise program. At the level of Primary Care Center RC programs and secondary prevention mainly low-risk patients are made and are similar to hospital programs.
Home programs have become particularly important in countries where the geographic dispersion of patients makes it impossible to carry out a program of conventional RC and have shown similar benefits. They have also incorporated new technologies (mobile telephony, web, video) so that access and patient adherence is improved.
These new technologies favor self-control and patient care with heart disease and is what has been referred to today as "Tele-Rehabilitation" alternative model of RC.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Rivas Estany, Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, La Habana, Cuba

Doctor en Ciencias Médicas, Profesor e Investigador Titular, Especialista de II Grado en Cardiología, Jefe Dpto. Rehabilitación, Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular, La Habana, Cuba.

Esteban García Porrero, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de León

Cardiólogo Consultante, Responsable de la Unidad de Rehabilitación Cardíaca del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de León, España.

Mirna Andrade Ruiz, Clínica Altollano, León, España

Especialista en Medicina Interna, Diabetóloga, Clínica Altollano, León, España.

How to Cite

Rivas Estany E, García Porrero E, Andrade Ruiz M. Models of Cardiovascular Prevention Units Integral, with special emphasis on the preventive role of cardiac rehabilitation. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2016 Jun. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];22(1):34-43. Available from:



Preventive Cardiology