The qualitative research
Positivismo, neopositivismo, investigación cualitativa.Abstract
Introduction: The research landscape was enriched with new forms of inquiry that deviated from the positivist and neopositivist paradigms. For these idealists and subjective currents, I just think science can explain reality.Objective: To argue the use of qualitative research as scientific and complementary method of quantitative research.
Methods: A review of texts in which qualitative research and its possible applications in health is defined was performed.
Results: The study provides quantitative information derived from the relationships between variables, however, multivariate methods applied are insufficient to provide all the information on the phenomena being studied. Meanwhile, qualitative research allows the researcher to participate in the observation of the object of study. Both methods have their advantages and their weaknesses.
Conclusions: The investigator must be careful when designing research and choose the method that provides more
reliability to the study conducted. The combination of both methods seems to be the most acceptable option and reduce
the possibility of bias.

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