Estimation of the cardiovascular risk by means of boards of the World Organization of the Health. Sanitary Area “Héroe del Moncada”.


  • Nurys B. Armas Rojas
  • Reinaldo de la Noval García
  • Alfredo Dueñas Herrera
  • José C. Castillo Nuñez
  • Ramón Suárez Medina
  • Antonio Castillo Guzmán


riesgo cardiovascular global, tablas de riesgo OMS/ISH


Introduction: The cardiovascular illnesses constitute the first cause of death in Cuba. Among the boards to calculate the risk cardiovascular to suffer them is the proposal by the OMS/ISH.

Objective: To determine the global cardiovascular risk according to boards of the OMS/ISH and prevalency of cardiovascular risk factors, in the population of the sanitary area "Heroes del Moncada". Revolution Place. Havana 2011.

Methods: Descriptive study, January to December of 2011 in a sample of population from 40 to 70 years in the area of health mentioned. 902 persons were studied chosen to the chance, utilizing a simple aleatory study for the patient selection.

Results: They classified as under risk the 86.25% of the individuals; moderated risk a 8.76%; high risk 4.9%; the high risk dominated in men and enlarged with the age. The prevalency of factors of risk found in order descendent was: high LDL-C, hypertrigliceridemy, hypercolesterolemy, arterial Blood presure, habit to smoke, obesity by corporal index of mass HDL-C lowers.

Conclusions: The predominance of the global cardiovascular risk under could be explained by the board of risk utilized.


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How to Cite

Armas Rojas NB, de la Noval García R, Dueñas Herrera A, Castillo Nuñez JC, Suárez Medina R, Castillo Guzmán A. Estimation of the cardiovascular risk by means of boards of the World Organization of the Health. Sanitary Area “Héroe del Moncada”. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2014 Mar. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];20(1):10-8. Available from:



Cardiovascular prevention