Coronary Arteries: Embryogenesis and Anomalies



coronary arteries, embryogenesis, compaction


Introduction: The study of the developmental anatomy of the heart has been carried out by numerous authors. Controversies still persist in the events of its morphogenesis and an almost total absence of morphometric parameters in the initial phases of its development.

Objective: To deepen in the embryonic morphogenesis of the ventricular myocardium, together with the development of the coronary circulation and some frequent anomalies.

Methods: A documentary review of the current scientific literature on the subject was carried out. Synthesis-analysis was applied to prepare the final report. A total of 54 papers were studied, of which 31 were selected for the preparation of the document.

Results: Between the fifth and eighth week of embryonic development, the myocardium thickens and organizes in a process known as trabeculation and compaction. The evolution of myocardial irrigation progresses to establish the coronary type, in which the entire myocardium is compacted and perfused by the coronary arteries and well-developed capillaries. The coronary arteries are created in situ in the myocardium and then connect to a coronary trunk formed in the aorta from peritronchial capillaries.

Conclusions: At the same time as the compaction process occurs, myocardial irrigation evolves and transits through different types to the coronary circulation by a mechanism of vasculogenesis, from various sources. Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery is the most frequent malformation of the coronary arteries.


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How to Cite

Navas Contino M, Vilas Bormey MA, Bermúdez Yera G de J. Coronary Arteries: Embryogenesis and Anomalies. Rev. cuba. cardiol. cir. cardiovasc. [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];31:e_2277. Available from:



Review Article