Usefulness of lung ultrasound in cardiology
lung ultrasound, lung, pulmonary edema, cardiology.Abstract
Introduction: Lung ultrasound is a diagnostic technique used in several medical specialties. Quantification of B-lines with this tool indicates the presence of an interstitial syndrome, which may be caused by congestion, inflammation, or fibrosis. Its integration with clinical data and its association with the echocardiogram allow physicians to identify the underlying etiological factors more accurately.
Objectives: To describe the performance of lung ultrasound, the most important signs during examination, and the main sonographic features; and to highlight the main applications and benefits of this technique in clinical cardiology practice.
Methods: A review of information published in databases such as PubMed and SciELO using keywords and MeSH terms was conducted.
Conclusions: Lung ultrasound is a simple, easy-to-perform technique that enhances the daily clinical procedures in different medical specialties. Its application is fundamental as a complementary diagnostic method in cardiology. Therefore, extending its use and exploring its usefulness through a holistic cardiopulmonary ultrasound in different scenarios allows optimizing the management of patients with acute and chronic heart diseases.
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